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STEM industry working with us in partnership
We would like to thank all our sponsors and supporters
who have helped us achieve 40 years of successful outreach!
We invite you to support our work in helping to develop employability skills and raise the aspirations of the next generation of scientists, engineers, mathematicians and technologists by working with us.
We’ve got 40 years’ experience working with companies, universities and institutions to support:
- Corporate Social Responsibility aims
- Environmental, Social & Governance Strategy
- Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
- Talent pipeline
- Educational Outreach goals for the local community
- Volunteer management
- Measuring impact
- Enhancing your company profile
We have extensive links to schools in the region and are trusted by them to provide high-quality experiences. Collaborating with us will amplify your outreach and help you reach new or under-represented audiences, safe in the knowledge that we work as an educational charity committed to giving the very best value for every £ spent.

Here are some of the ways other organisations have worked with STEMPOINT:
- Direct sponsorship of our work or an initiative such as British Science Week activities, or a project in a particular location or around a subject of importance to you.
- Funding CREST Awards for groups of pupils
- Bespoke support for outreach on a consultancy basis
- Offering research placements to sixth form students
- Providing a free venue for networking events
- Funding a school to receive a workshop activity
- Financial support for low income students through our schemes
- Choosing STEMPOINT as your 'Charity of the Year'
- Encouraging employees to become STEM Ambassadors
Find out more:
To start a conversation about increasing social capital and how we can help you reach your organisation’s aims, please contact Helen Spencer at
STEMPOINT generously hosted at MBDA
STEMPOINT is hosted by MBDA, an engineering company based in Stevenage, Hertfordshire and we are grateful to MBDA and all our partner organisations for their support.
MBDA is a multinational engineering company, and their support allows us to centralise and leverage the knowledge, skills and schemes of many volunteers, companies and charities, who all seek to promote greater engagement with STEM subjects and widening access to STEM higher education, apprenticeships and careers.