Inspiring young people about STEM
Empowering change through STEM for over 40 years
STEMPOINT is an educational charity that promotes Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) to young people in the East of England and beyond.

Our organisation was founded in 1984 and we are proud to have served our local community for over 40 years.
By bridging the gap between education and the STEM industry we inspire the future of STEM careers.
STEM skills are crucial for our future workforce. They drive advancements in fields such as healthcare, sustainable energy, communication and space exploration, shaping our future and ensuring we can meet and overcome global challenges and thrive economically. STEM literacy fosters critical thinking, problem-solving, innovation, adaptability and equips individuals to navigate a rapidly changing world.
In the East of England, we are fortunate to have a huge array of opportunities within various STEM sectors; although many employers report skills gaps and difficulty in recruiting.

So, why don’t more young people study STEM subjects and aspire to a STEM career?
The reasons are varied and complex but may include a perception that STEM subjects are too difficult and careers are unattainable for them. A lack of representation of diverse role models in STEM can discourage underrepresented groups and reinforce stereotypes. Limited exposure to STEM resources and people can also mean that young people may miss out on engaging educational experiences that can spark their curiosity and interest.
Our Purpose
We firmly believe that cultivating an early interest in STEM is crucial and should be nurtured throughout life.
Every child, regardless of their background or circumstances, deserves the opportunity to unlock and fulfill their full potential.
Our Mission
To inspire young people to realise their potential in STEM, no matter what their background or ability.
Award winning STEM charity
Diversity, Equality & Inclusion
Our Impact

Our Values

Inspiring young people about Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths : STEM
Benefits can be life changing for the individual but also have the potential to be transformative at a societal and global level.
Our philosophy "See it to be it!" Role models help children visualise their future
Industry experts, partners and employers helping young people identify talents and providing tools to help them succeed.
See Research Experience Programmes

STEM Ambassadors are our inspirational volunteers who help bring STEM to life for the next generation.
Join us in our mission to inspire the next generation of STEMists.
Latest News
Our popular annual K’nex Challenge provides primary school children in Hertfordshire, Luton, Peterborough, Suffolk and Essex with an introduction to the exciting world of engineering and technology.
The challenge is suitable for children of all abilities and is run by STEM Ambassadors who are trained to deliver the sessions in school.
The challenge requires the pupils to design and build a solution to a problem that is given to the children on the day, developing their problem-solving skills, using creativity as well as early
project management skills.
Last year, more than 150 schools took part in this low-cost and exciting activity, valued by both pupils and teachers. Sponsorship enables us to offer the activity at a very low cost to schools.
Meet our Community Champions
This experience makes my options much easier. I have more knowledge about STEM careers and have a good idea of which path I will follow.
Year 9 Student after STEM Inspiration Week
Thank you so much for such a useful day! This was a fantastic opportunity to see into the wide and varied worlds of STEM.
Hartismere School
Congratulations on the success of the great work that you do to support our local community.
Dr Sally Ann Forsyth OBE, Chief Executive Officer
You’ve been absolutely brilliant to work with over the years, whether it was helping us to recruit schools for a project (sometimes at the 11th hour!!!), or giving your time and expertise to chat to me and the team, or judge Challenge: Water. Keep doing what you’re doing.
Affinity Water
We used all resources (worksheets etc) in our science lessons this week. We love the career talk as well. This is also shared in our form classes to promote career guidance to pupils.