Inspiring and engaging children and young people
Every STEM-focused activity, workshop or event we deliver needs to benefit children and young people across the region. We monitor and evaluate the impact of all our work to ensure it truly meets the needs of the next generation and the STEM industry.
Our impact in 2023-2024:


East of England with more than 2,000 Ambassador volunteers in our region. These volunteers offer their time free of charge to schools and youth groups.

STEMPOINT is hosted by MBDA, an engineering company based in Stevenage, Hertfordshire and we are grateful to MBDA and all our partner organisations for their support.
Collaborating with local partners.

We engage young people aged 5 to 18 years in activities designed to encourage their curiosity and build Science Capital.
We also introduce them to people with a STEM background – working with companies, universities and other partner organisations who can provide valuable role models to show the diverse pathways to a STEM career and show that anyone can access these.


Student and Teacher Feedback
Figures about attendance are great to show the impact of our work, but listening to what the students and teachers say about the workshops, activities and events is even more informative and is used to make improvements. Here is some feedback from last year's participants:
