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Primary Schools

Inspiring the next generation

We have 40 years’ experience of delivering high-quality STEM workshops to both primary and secondary schools, providing insight and greater awareness of how STEM subjects can lead to fascinating and worthwhile careers.



Primary School Initiatives

To find out more about K'Nex Challenge, Our Workshops, STEM Ambassadors, STEM Learning, see more about our information sessions:
Primary school image to be used for Knex
K’Nex Challenge
GoConstruct K’Nex Challenge

Our 2024 GoConstruct K’Nex Challenge starts soon and registrations are now closed. Primary schools in Hertfordshire, Luton, Peterborough, Essex and Suffolk will be taking part in an exciting hands-on engineering challenge with pupils in Years 5 & 6 working in pairs to meet the brief, led by a trained STEM Ambassador.

This annual challenge is sponsored by the CITB Go Construct and Endava to enable us to offer it at a subsidised cost of £65 per school. Places fill up fast, so keep an eye out for our registration flyer in September to take part in 2025.

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Primary Workshops
Book Primary Workshops

Our primary school workshops are currently only available in Hertfordshire and Luton and are offered on a ‘not for profit’ basis costing just £390 for a full day delivery at school.

We also offer special Maths workshops for pupils in Hertfordshire. 

To view the full list of workshops see below, click here

To enquire and book a Primary Workshop click here

Find STEM Ambassador
Register & Request a STEM Ambassador free of charge

STEMPOINT is the STEM Ambassador Delivery Partner for the East of England.

STEM Ambassadors are a fantastic FREE resource for primary schools and can enhance the curriculum by extending pupils’ knowledge and providing role models for children. They can visit in person or online to offer talks and presentations, or support your STEM activities.

Request a STEM Ambassador free of charge - you will need to register (free) with STEM Learning

What’s more, you’ll find lots of resources on the platform to help with lessons and enrichment.

Stempoint volunteers
Sponsorship Opportunities

Take a look at the many opportunities available which you could sponsor our projects.


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Join 2000 STEM Ambassadors

With 2,000 Ambassadors, why not encourage your team to become a STEM Ambassador and help inspire young people about STEM careers.

Research & Experience Placements

Are you a company that could provide a Research Placement for a 17 year old student, to supervise a student during the summer?

How to book?

How to book?

Our primary school workshops are currently only available in Hertfordshire and Luton.

However, all schools in the region can request a STEM Ambassador free of charge.

We provide hands-on, fun, educational, interactive workshops ‘not for profit’

£265 for morning session/s

£390 for a full day.

Our workshops may not cover all of the National Curriculum links in great depth as we are restricted by time, however you have the opportunity to cover them in more detail with the follow up activities you will be receiving from us once your workshop has taken place.

Contact Helen for more details.


News and Updates

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British Science Week runs from 8th-17th March 2024.

STEMPOINT provide a FREE competition and online talk each year. The theme of this year’s paper engineering competition is ‘Create a Tree’.

We can provide support for your STEM week or clubs all year round. We run regular teacher CPD sessions on ‘How to run a STEM Week’ – to find out more, click below

CREST star for early years booklet cover
Open to schools across Hertfordshire, Luton and the South East.

CREST Awards are run nationally by the British Science Association, and STEMPOINT is proud to be the Regional CREST Support Organisation for the East of England.

Typically completed by 5-11 year olds, CREST Star and Superstar challenges relate to everyday experiences. Children complete eight activities to gain a CREST Award, with each activity taking between 45 -60 minutes to complete.

The activities are designed to be easy-to-run and low cost. You don’t need to be a teacher, have a science background or have access to specialist equipment to run them. The packs contain helpful hints and tips for you to use, explaining the scientific themes and offering guidance on conversation topics for your children.

You can find helpful resources and ideas on the website too, so why not encourage your pupils to tap into their creativity and curiosity and complete their own investigations!

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Open to schools across Hertfordshire, Luton and the South East.

Space Inspirations is an initiative to attract more young people into science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM), and the space industry. Supporting STEM Ambassadors to deliver successful interactions with young people, inspiring and encouraging the next generation of space professionals.

For teachers
Bringing STEM Ambassadors - volunteers from a broad range of jobs and backgrounds, into your classroom is a perfect way to demonstrate the connection between the STEM subjects young people study, the potential careers in space travel and exploration they can progress into.

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